Can high dose fish oil cure brain injury? Apparently the theory is that since the brain is composed of a lot of Omega 3 fatty acid and…fish oil has a lot of fatty acid…it just might make sense that consuming lots of fish oil can help the brain heal itself.
Check out this recent article here.
One of the doctors cited in the article said this:
If you have a brick wall and it gets damaged, wouldn’t you want to use bricks to repair it? said Dr. Michael Lewis, founder of the Brain Health Education and Research Institute. By supplementing using (omega-3 fatty acids) in substantial doses, you provide the foundation for the brain to repair itself.
One of the patients featured in the article took 20 grams of fish oil a day. He began to show improvement almost immediately.
Chia Seeds — Tiny but powerful
Chia seeds are very cool. These tiny seeds pack a wallop of Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants.
I get mine from VitaminShoppe.
A great way to eat these is to mix a tablespoon in a liquid. The seeds quickly form a gel. There’s a tonic from mexico that calls for these seeds in water with some lemon and honey. Strain the seeds if you wish for a refreshing tonic.
Another smart way to eat these is to mix the seeds with almond or coconut milk. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours for an awesome low calorie pudding. If it doesn’t gel enough, add more seed.
I’m forming a theory that foods that create gels like Irish Moss (Sea Moss), Sea Cucumber, Agar and now Chia Seeds are good for the joints and are an overall jing tonic. Of course, I have no scientific evidence for this observation, but it’s something interesting to note.
Try it and see what you think.
Shark Liver Update! Watch that cholesterol.
So, I had been taking Shark Liver Oil religiously since October. You can read about it here:
My Shark Oil Post.
After a routine physical last week, boy was I in for a surprise. I was expecting my usual great lipid profile. My cholesterol has been around 200 for the last few years, but with good HDL, low Triglycerides and very low of the bad LDL. However, this time, my LDL almost doubled from last year. The only supplements that were significantly different from other years was the Shark Liver Oil and tocotrienols. The tocotrienols, btw, I feel has contributed to significantly thicker and shinier hair (but more on that in another post). I really don’t think the tocotrienols have contributed to this problem. However, the shark liver oil is not looking too good. Check this study out:
Shark Liver Raises Cholesterol in Hamsters.
Aaargh!! this is horrible. It states: “supplementations of Squalene (SQ) and Shark Liver Oil (SLO) in diets caused significant accumulation of SQ in the liver and adipose tissue. The present results suggest that SQ and SLO are hypercholesterolemic at least in hamsters. Caution has to be taken when SQ or SLO are routinely consumed as health supplements.”
Watch out with this one. To be fair, my HDL was still high and my triglycerides were still low. I’ll test again in 6 months and report on what I find out. For now, I think Shark Liver Oil is not on the recommended list. Until we know more about cholesterol levels and the ratios of the different types of cholesterol and inflammation, be careful.
Shark Liver Oil H1N1 fighter?
I discovered Shark Liver Oil recently. It’s been around for centuries. Apparently, fisherman in the cold deep waters off northern Europe have recommended it for wound healing, colds and flu, and as a general tonic. Whenever I hear about something being good for colds and flu and wound healing or general tonic, I start thinking Nitric Oxide related.
I did find an interesting study indicating that Shark Liver Oil may increase Nitric Oxide levels here. The article states shark liver oil may be helpful for boosting the immune system.
If you’re a pig, your sperm will improve. This study indicates that Shark Liver Oil improved sperm motility and velocity:Click here to see study.
Cod liver oil is something I’ll write about in the future. Cod liver oil is a great source of Vitamin D, that many consider the single most important vitamin supplement you could take. Well, shark liver has that too. Cod Liver Oil is a purported Testosterone Booster, however Shark Liver Oil is not as well known. I’ve discovered that no one seems to know what this is. You can certainly find it online, but good luck finding it in conventional health food stores or your local chinatown herb shop. I found mine in a chinese herb shop. The owner smiled when I bought it and said it was an excellent choice and to make sure I drank a lot of water with it. I’m surprised I found it in that store, since no one spoke English.
There’s a bit of hub bub on the net about this Oil boosting the immune system and fighting cancer. Cancer is not something to talk about lightly. I’m limiting my discussion to verifiable tonics. As a tonic, this has some interesting potential. Faster sperm? More nitric oxide? Sounds like a plan!
Alopecia Areata Cured!
Although it’s not a life threatening condition, Alopecia Areata (patchy baldness) can cause sufferers much anguish and distress. I first noticed a golf ball size bald patch on the back of my otherwise thick hair when I was about 17. The doctor said it was stress related and gave me some cortisone shots in the area. A couple months later, the hair grew back in quickly.
I wish that was the end of the story. In retrospect, I was lucky. Many people with alopecia areata lose all their hair all over their body. I just had one bald spot and it grew back. A year or two later, I got another spot and then a couple other smaller ones. Back to the dermatologist for shots. However, this time the hair started to take some time to grow back. In my twenties, I got new bald spots in different areas just about every year. I had odd thin patches that came and went as well. Sometimes the spots would not fill back in after the cortisone shots. My last dermatologist wanted to take a biopsy but I refused. I had every blood test imaginable taken.
Everytime I went to a new barber, he/she would remark that the last barber butchered my hair. “No, ” I would sigh, “that’s how it grows.” I started to go to one barber who specialized in cutting the thicker areas shorter than the others.
I also suffered from canker sores pretty regularly. I was heavily involved in martial arts and whenever I recieved a cut inside my mouth, I’d get a painful canker for about 10 days.
When I had my last bout about 4 years ago, I broke down and bought a product to hide the spots. It was a black powder that worked pretty well except it would rub off on anything I happen to brush my head against, like a head rest or pillow. However, this product, Dermatch from Dermatch Inc. was a life saver.
Believe me when I tried almost everything — i tried chili peppers, topical steroid gels–I can’t even remember everything, but if it’s out there, I’m sure I tried it.
But something did work — for me. I completely cut gluten out of my diet. bread, no pasta, no Pizza! It’s one of the hardest things I had to do, but it seems to be working. 4 years and not one bald spot. All the thin spots filled in (which never happened for over 20 years). My better half says my hair is like a ‘carpet’.
And guess what? I never get canker sores either.
There is one more thing I added, which I feel is related. I started taking a Fish Oil supplement morning and evening religiously exactly when I stopped the gluten.
This is the one I take:
I know this is not scientific, since I did both things at the same time. But I’m not willing to test stopping the fish oil to know for sure. In my mind, if you suffer from this problem, try the gluten-free diet and the fish oil together. An added benefit is that the fish oil helped improve my lipid profile immensely. I’ll go over that detail in a future post.
Let me know what you think.