Many people are unaware that it’s possible to ‘wake up’ within a dream and become fully conscious that one is really asleep. While in the dream and conscious, you can have varying degrees of control over the dream. With practice you can fully control the dream in all aspects. For example, suppose you wanted to fly up into the clouds or practice a skill. You can be anything you want to be.
I believe it’s possible to change our physical bodies via a lucid dream. While I don’t have any double blind studies available to prove my belief, my thought process is as follows: If it’s possible to affect positive change in our bodies through mental imagery and other visualization techniques, imagine how powerful it is to actually be what you want for awhile. For example, instead of seeing yourself whole in your mind’s eye, imagine the power of actually being whole in your dream. The mind can’t tell the difference between a dream and a physical experience. If you sit on a chair in a dream, it feels exactly like it does in waking life. If you bump against a wall in the dream, you’ll feel it. Except in the dream, you can walk through it.
The examination of what is possible in the dream world is an interesting exploration of what could be possible in the real world.
The most common technique for lucid dreaming is to get into the habit of questioning yourself periodically if your are dreaming or awake. Eventually you’ll dream this question and realize you’re really asleep.
Many people are waking up at 3 am after a few hours of sleep and taking a supplement like galantamine with choline to induce extremely vivid dreams.
These highly vivid dreams increase the odds of becoming aware you’re dreaming.
Look for any supplement or food that increases acetylcholine in your brain, and you’ll find a potential dream enhancer.
DailyNudge is a great site to send yourself a daily reminder to ask yourself if you’re awake or dreaming. It’s free.
It would be great to hear about your dream explorations here..
Dream On!
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