Of Geckos and Contaminants

Good news and bad news. First the bad news. Be very careful taking chinese patent medicines from the herbal shops. Many of these supposedly “safe” herbals are contaminated with prescription drugs and worse — toxic metals like Mercury and Arsenic.
Read this good article that mentions many popular medicines and what problems were found: Patent Medicines and Contamination .
Now with that out of the way, I did find a cool one that is on the good list. It’s a “kidney nourishing” tonic made from gecko and other nitric oxide potentiating herbs. It’s called Gejie Bu Shing Wan and looks like this:
Gecko Tonic Picture
Here’s what a gecko looks like if you got it in your herbal prescription from an herbalist:
Dried Gecko Picture
Typically you would boil one of these with your other tonic herbs in a tea or a soup. Bon Appetit!

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