New Discussion Forum

I decided to add a discussion forum to allow people to ask questions and share experiences with their own personal tonic quests.
What tonics have you tried? What are you trying? Let us know what deals you found on the ‘net.
Share the Love!! Don’t be the first to post.
Enjoy, and make sure to let me know what you think of this forum.

Must Read This Book

I wanted the first post to set the tone for how information on this site is to be read and for how we should approach any strategy or recommendation we may come across.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote a ground-breaking booked called ‘Fooled By Randomness’ that should be on everyone’s bookshelf.

In this book, which is a difficult read I must admit, he explains how much of what we think is obvious ’cause and effect’ can actually be randomness.  Many of us don’t truly understand randomness.  Randomness contains patterns and clusters by it’s very nature.  Much of what we think is caused by our skill or foresight can simply be just luck.  Many doctors and scientists are fooled by randomness when they perform experiments or test theories.  It’s hard not to be fooled, especially when we are puffed up with confidence and believe something strongly.  However, mathematics doesn’t lie and after reading this book, your ideas will change.

So as we test theories, supplements and practices in our journey, let’s always keep a level head and a skeptic’s critical thought process.

Don’t be fooled by randomness!