About Tonic Quest

Tonic Quest is about the search for the proverbial fountain of youthful vitality.  In these pages you will find information about tonics and elixirs from every country and culture on this vast earth.  But it won’t end there, I’ll also discuss and discover other strategies like the embodied arts and other esoteric practices.  Internal martial artists are often known for their legendary youthful prowess so we’ll be looking at their practices and beliefs.  Yoga, breathwork, bodywork, meditation, visualization, taoism –it’s all fair game.   In short, if it works and there are demonstrable results, I’ll try it, we’ll discuss it and monitor progress. However, please use common sense. I’m not a doctor and nothing in here should be construed as medical advice. Please check with your health professional before doing anything that affects your health!

Join me on my journey and let’s figure this out!

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